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People + Technology = Peace of mind!

At The Profit Line, High Tech x High Touch defines our purpose as a company.

The traditional accounting business model, like most others, is being challenged and disrupted at hyper speed. A month does not pass when we don't hear about a new accounting, bookkeeping, expense management or payroll tool that can do it all for a small monthly fee.

Some tech is smarter and better than others. Some offer this feature and that feature. Integrate and connect. Eliminate the human element and trust the tech.

The pace of change and innovation is staggering, and for many overwhelming and even paralyzing. Many businesses opt to continue to tough it out old school, with an inefficient and human centric approach.

Enter The Profit Line solution.

The synergy of the best and most trusted people aligned with the latest and most efficient technology.

We focus on delivering two important things for our clients:

Attract, train, and support the best team of people in the business who care about and love to work closely with their clients in a flexible and outsourced model. Attention to detail, accountability, understanding of their client’s business needs and availability are key attributes of our people.

Ongoing research, review and assessment of the latest accounting technology offerings that will add value to our clients every day. Our focus is on delivering the best integrated solution for each of our clients.

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