Working at The Profit Line started as a part time job while in school for team member Dana Rania. Now a valued, full time Client Manager she talks about her journey and what she loves about working at TPL.

What is your role at TPL?
At the end of April 2021, I was promoted to Client manager. I work with Toshi Hatashita, supporting her various client files. She has been a positive and valued mentor. In my role, I work really hard to eliminate stress with our clients, generate valuable customized reports and support them and Toshi everyday.
Describe your journey to TPL?
Two years ago in October I interviewed while I was a student, and it was a really unique experience. Personality and fit with the team was a key point of the interview, along with my skill of course. I felt comfortable instantly and accepted a part time position while I was at school, finishing my Accounting Degree at George Brown.
I actually started at George Brown in Fashion. I took one accounting course and got hooked! I realized that is what I was meant to do. I had finished 2 years in the fashion program, and pivoted to Accounting, which took me another three years to complete. Then I graduated in April of 2021 and was hired full time.
I was super happy!
What do you love about your job?
Well, in general I love accounting. I love working with a great team, and helping our clients every day. At TPL, we make it our business to stay on top of the latest in accounting technology. It’s exciting for me to always be learning and have access to training on the tools that make us better and more efficient for our clients.
The pandemic was hard for us as we all love to be in the office. Our culture is really about being together in the office, and we have all happily returned. I like it and find it better for our culture, training and supporting each other and new staff.
Fern has built something very special. We are like a big family.
The leadership team has created a culture of support, and inclusion. We get to know each other, and we have each other’s back….
Over the past 3 years, mental health has been key….we take care of each other.
How nice is that!
Turn over is quite low, and as a matter of fact we are growing and adding new team members which is very exciting. I look forward to taking on a role to welcome, onboard and train new team members, which I am passionate about.
Training the juniors, mentorship, nurturing and watching them progress; that is very fulfilling for me.
I tend to take on the interns and work with them.
My goal is to have them return and work for us full time…just like me!
I also love the variety my job delivers. Working on different client files brings new challenges every day. I am NEVER bored!
What are your passions outside of work?
Game nights.
Food and cooking…I am trying to get an air fryer in the office.
I love office pot lucks.
What would you say to someone thinking about working at TPL?
For senior level hires I’d say our clients are unique and varied. You won’t be bored. There is an investigative side to the work. We explore and discover the problem and then design a customized solution using diagnostic tools and technology. You will also have people management opportunities with our Junior staff enjoy management/training opportunities.
For more Junior hires:
It's a smaller business so you will have access to a wide variety of hands on experience.
Our leadership team gives you their attention; Mentorship and focus on the juniors is baked in to our culture.
We offer a work life balance and respect for life outside of work; versus the grind of big firm life.
We invest in your education in becoming a CPA.
The office culture is fun and inclusive.